FIELD: measurement technology. SUBSTANCE: physical quantities are recognized with the use of primary instrumentation converters, are transformed into form convenient for comparison. Values of transformed physical quantities are memorized in time in sequence or simultaneously, their comparison is conducted. Division of bigger quantity by base of chosen notation system raised to positive degree of wholeness corresponding to position is carried out. Smaller physical quantity is compared with greater one of those obtained by division. If first one exceeds second one is summed up with quantity next in size obtained by division and high bit of information is entered into proper storage location. Smaller physical quantity is compared again with quantity obtained by summing. In opposite case low bit of information is entered into mentioned storage location and smaller physical quantity is compared with difference of two mentioned quantities next in size obtained by division. High or low information bit is entered into next storage location by results of any of last comparisons. Process of summing, subtraction and comparison of corresponding quantities with recording of resulting information into storage location corresponding to i-th position is continued N times which number is determined by number of storage locations. Relationship of measured physical quantities is judged by results of information bits recorded separately. EFFECT: expanded application field. 1 dwg