FIELD: food and canning industry. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to technology of canning industry. Method involves sterilization of puree prepared of edible beet at contact heating with carbon dioxide at supercritical state, its fermentation with combined culturing mycelial fungi of genus Trichoderma and genus Aspergillus of citric acid fermentation. Then cultural broth is separated and evaporated under vacuum in the field of ultrasonic oscillations in the presence of enzyme peroxidase at temperature 60 C, not above, up to the content of dry matter 58-60%. Obtained gelling concentrate is mixed with plant raw puree and boiled out its to obtain the ready product. Method can be used for preparing foodstuffs from different kinds of plant raw, for example, apple, pear, berry, squash puree and others. Method eliminates beet odor and provides high gelling capacity of gelling concentrate. EFFECT: improved organoleptics, decreased consumption of gelling concentrate, improved quality of the end product.