FIELD: medicine, cardiology, homeopathy, pharmacy. SUBSTANCE: invention proposes the composition containing smoothed hawthorn, antihelminthic spigelia, cactus, phosphorus, medicinal valerian and ignatia taken in the equal ratio in the following dilutions: Valeriana officinalis (medicinal valerian) C3, Strychnos ignatii (nux vomiva ignatia) C12, Selenicerius grandifloris (cactus large-flowered selenicerius) C12, Spigelia anthelmia (antihelminthic spigelia) C12, Phosphorus (phosphorus) C12, Crataegus oxyacantha (smoothed hawthorn) C12. Composition is the homeopathic drug made as sugar granules. Homeopathic preparation shows regulating effect, enhances functional activity of myocardium under overloadings and physiological aging processes. Preparation is used in gerontological practice at non-severe heart damages as independent therapy with success. At severe course of disease its using with the combined therapy provides to decrease the dose of allopathic preparations and avoid their adverse effects. Invention can be used for development of homeopathic drug for treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease, initial stage of cardiac insufficiency, transient hypertension, myocardiodystrophy, aberrant rhythm and cardioneurosis in the complex therapy. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of drug, valuable medicinal properties. 2 cl, 1 ex