FIELD: meat industry. SUBSTANCE: method involves separating internal hip muscles of beef half carcasses cooled to temperature of about 4 C inside hip part or defrosted to temperature not below 1 C inside hip part; salting raw meat by injecting salt brine comprising edible salt, sodium nitrite and phosphatic preparation with the use of multiple-needle injector with temperature inside separated raw meat and temperature of salt brine at outlet end of injector needles being equal to one another or differing by 1 C in temperature range of 1-4 C; injecting salt brine at least twice under pressure of from 1,5•105 Pa to 2,0•105 Pa; massaging by cyclic mechanical actions and settling in vacuum massaging device for about 16 hours combined with vacuumizing process at rotational speed of vacuum massaging device drum of 3-8 rev/min so that temperature of raw meat at the end of massaging process does not exceed 4 C; holding raw meat for maturation at temperature of from 0 to 4 C for at least 24 hours; dusting matured meat with spice mixture for decoration in an amount of 2.6-2.7% by weight of unsalted raw meat; providing molding and thermal processing by slightly drying in hermetically sealed thermal chamber at temperature of 65-66 C and relative humidity of 28-32% for 40-60 min; baking in the same chamber at temperature of 76-78 C, relative humidity of 25-30% for 40-60 min and cooking at temperature of 76-78 C and relative humidity of 98-99% for time interval sufficient to set temperature of 68-72 C inside finished product. EFFECT: improved structural-mechanical and functional-technological properties of raw meat and, accordingly, improved quality and biological value of finished product, and reduced production cost. 11 cl, 1 tbl, 2 ex