FIELD: meat industry. SUBSTANCE: method involves separating raw meat in the form of muscle of the back and lumbar region with surface lard layer having thickness less than 0.5 cm of hog half carcasses in cooled or defrosted state; preparing salt brine and salting raw meat by injecting salt brine with the use of multiple-needle injector at temperature inside separated raw meat and temperature of salt brine at injector needle outlet ends being equal to one another or differing by no more than 1 C within temperature range of 1-4 C; introducing salt brine at least twice under pressure of from 1,5•105-2,0•105 Pa to 2,0•105 Pa, with following cyclic massaging in vacuum massaging device with mechanical action and settling in each cycle with total duration of 9.0-10.0 hours and vacuumizing, with rotational speed of vacuum massaging device drum being 6-8 rev/min and temperature of raw meat at the end of massaging process not in the excess of 4 C; holding raw meat for maturation at temperature not in the excess of 4 C for less than 45 hours; removing fimbria from raw meat and wrapping it in casing; binding and hooking to holders with following thermal processing in two-staged smoking- baking mode; initially providing slight drying in thermal chamber for 40-60 min at temperature of 64-66 C and relative humidity of 23-30%; first stage involves smoking at temperature of 76-78 C and relative humidity not in the excess of 30% for 40-60 min; second stage involves baking at temperature increased to 80-88 C processing until temperature inside fillet reaches 68-72 C; holding fillet at said temperature in thermal chamber for 3-5 min; cooling and packaging finished product. EFFECT: improved structural-mechanical and functional-technological properties and, accordingly, improved quality and biological value of finished product, and reduced production cost. 10 cl, 1 tbl, 2 ex