FIELD: testing materials.
SUBSTANCE: method includes filling the unit volume of coarse-grained fractions with fine-grained fractions in layers, determining the mean sizes of grains of the coarse fraction d1 and fine fraction d2, d2/d1, mass of the coarse and fine fractions required for the preparation of a unit volume of mixture, volume mass and density of the coarse fraction, and volume mass of the fine fraction. When d2/d1 exceeds 0.155 the densifying extent of the coarse fraction by fine fraction is determined from the formula , where U is the dimensionless extent of densifying of the coarse-grained fraction with the fine-grained fraction, M1 is the mass of the coarse-grained fraction required for preparing a unit volume of mixture, kg/l,
is the volume mass of the coarse-grained fraction, kg/l,
is the density of the grains of coarse fraction, kg/l, M2 is the mass of fine fraction required for the preparation of the unit volume of the mixture, kg/l,
is the volume mass of the fine fraction, kg/l.
EFFECT: enhanced accuracy.
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