FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: thrombocytes aggregation parameters are determined in three transfer tests. In case aggregation parameters increased by 37.1% and above in simple transfer test, 69.1% and above in collagen-aspirin test and/or collagen-imido test by 59.1% and above, during 2 months the complex therapy is carried out including high-calorie diet, graduated physical exercise, and also injection of preparations - rozuvaststin 20 mg for a night, bucinodolol - 50 mg 2 times a day and metforminum - 500 mg 2 times a day.
EFFECT: normalisation of arachidonic acid metabolism in thrombocytes of patiens which have arterial hypertonia with metabolic syndrome due to therapeutic effect potentiation of particular components of complex therapy.
1 tbl, 2 ex