FIELD: household goods and personal effects; packaging materials.
SUBSTANCE: structural unit is composed of a discharge valve and a bag hermetically fitted thereon with the bag fabricated of a flexible film-type material and placed into the outer container through a lid-covered aperture in the container wall. The discharge valve consists of a housing that is hermetically attached to the edge of the aperture arranged in the container lid as well as the discharge tube passed through the hole arranged in the bag side. The discharge tube has an expansion part shaped in the form of a disk or a cylindrical cap contained in the bag cavity as encircling the hole arranged in the bag side. The bag has a reinforcement element fixed along the hole contour. The bag adheres to the discharge tube expansion part with an annular gasket placed between them so that to restrict the bag hole.
EFFECT: durability of the bag connection to the valve and eliminated risk of disruption of the bag film around the hole when applied high loads to.
9 cl, 4 dwg