FIELD: electrical engineering.
SUBSTANCE: initial coordinates of relative position of movable carrier and preset object of sighting (OS) are defined and set as well as initial conditions of setting inertial determination of sighting vector parametres of stationary object of sighting (SVPOS) in prelaunch preparation of antenna movable carrier by directing its mirror towards stationary OS after launching movable carrier. In launching flying carrier and its flying along trajectory, accelerometres and gyros are used, arranged in inner frame of two-axis gimbal suspension of the antenna, to define signals proportional to projections of apparent acceleration and to projections of absolute angular rotary speed of the mirror on appropriate axes of the base coordinate system of the antenna. Resulted signals, allowing for initial data on setting stationary OS and on setting SVPOS of stationary OS, are used to generate signals proportional to current parametres of sighting vector of stationary OS, namely oblique distance L and oblique speed of approaching the antenna base of stationary OS together with movable carrier spinning in bank that makes e1, e2 of spatial angular coordinate
of stationary OS in the base antenna coordinate system. Signals proportional to current values of oblique distance L and oblique speed
of approaching the antenna base of stationary OS together with movable carrier spinning in bank are used to effect inertial self-guidance of stationary OS in range. Simultaneously, resulted signals, allowing for initial data on setting stationary OS and on setting SVPOS of stationary OS, are used to generate signals proportional to current parametres of sighting vector of stationary OS, namely oblique distance L and oblique speed
of approaching the antenna base of stationary OS together with movable carrier spinning in bank that makes e1, e2 of spatial angular coordinate
of stationary OS in the base antenna coordinate system, that make signal of mismatch (error) between antenna optical axis and direction to stationary OS in two mutually perpendicular planes of the antenna base coordinate system set in prelaunch preparation of movable carrier. Note here that circuits of inertial automatic guidance of stationary OS are closed on response to negative feedback signal, that is, in response to signals from turn angle pickups of outer and inner frames of two-axis gimbal suspension of the antenna and antenna mirror hinged thereto. Thus, inertial control over antenna mirror direction towards stationary OS is effected with rotary motion of antenna base together with movable carrier spinning in bank. Simultaneously, signals proportional to current parametres of sighting vector of stationary OS, namely oblique distance L and oblique speed L of approaching the antenna base of stationary OS together with movable carrier are generated to effect independent self guidance of movable object spinning in bank towards stationary OS.
EFFECT: expanded performances.
2 cl, 13 dwg