FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to reflexotherapy. Biologically active points (BAP) are coated with applicable element solutions and exposed to spectral element radiation. While observing the prevalence of bronchopulmonary malfunction, the BAPs of pulmonary meridian are exposed. Herewith, 11 I (shao-shan) is exposed to spectral tin (Sn) radiation, 10 I (yui-czi) - to tellurium (Te) radiation, 9 I (tai-yuan) - to platinum (Pt) radiation, 8 I (czin-cuj) - to cobalt (Co) radiation, 7 I (le-cue) - to aluminium (Al) radiation, 6 I (kun-czuj) - to antimony (Sb) radiation, 5 I (chi-cze) - to tellurium (Te) radiation, 4 I (sya-bai) - to cobalt (Co) radiation, 3 I (tian-fu) - to (Pt) platinum radiation , 2 I (yun-men) - to ruthenium (Ru) radiation, 1 I (chzhun-fu) - to tin (Sn) radiation. Then this multispectral radiation covers regions of a pulmonary projection and on a region of width determined by a pulmonary projection, symmetrically from both sides of a trunk. The expose is terminated within spinous processes between the third and the fourth vertebras. While detecting cardiovascular malfunction observed, additionally the BATs of pericardium meridian are involved. Herewith, 9 IX (chzhun-chun) are irradiated by platinum (Pt), 8 IX (lao-gun) - by lithium (Li), 7 IX (da-lin) - by thorium (Th), 6 IX (nej-guan) - by sodium (Na), 5 IX (czyan-shi) - by magnesium (Mg), 4 IX (si-men) - by potassium (K), 3 IX (cui-cze) - by hafnium (Hf), 2 IX (tian-cuan) - by niobium (Nb), 1 IX (tian-chi) - by calcium (Ca). Thereafter, BATs of cardiac meridian are exposed. Herewith, 9 V (shao-chun) are exposed to niobium (Nb) radiation, 8 V (shao-fu) - to calcium (Ca) radiation, 7 V (shen-men) - to potassium (K) radiation, 6 V (in-si) - to sodium (Na) radiation, 5 V (tun-li) - to thorium (Th) radiation, 4 V (lin-dao) - to hafnium (Hf) radiation, 3 V (shao-hai) - to magnesium (Mg) radiation, 2 V (cin-lin) - to niobium (Nb) radiation, 1 V (czi-cuan) - to calcium (Ca) radiation. Then regions of a cardiac projection together with a region of width determined by the cardiac projection are exposed to this multispectral radiation symmetrically from both sides parties of the trunk. The expose is terminated within spinous processes between the fourth-fifth and the fifth-sixth vertebras.
EFFECT: therapy has improved clinical effectiveness.
3 dwg, 3 ex