FIELD: agriculture.
SUBSTANCE: method comprises planting forestations consisting of alternating rows of trees and shrubs placed across the main direction of slopes or on terrain horizontals. When planting forestations from the southern and western borders of the fields and further within the field itself the forest belts are formed in an amount of not more than 2-3 rows in each of them, and when planting forestations from the northern and eastern external borders of the fields the forest belts are formed in an amount of at least 5 rows in each of them. And when planting the forest belts within a field on the north side of the slope the frequency of their placement is reduced compared to the southern slope of not less than twice, taking the width of the inter-belt space as fold of the width of the passage of tillage and harvesting machinery. And the planting the forest belts along the internal borders of the fields is carried out from the eastern or northern side of the field or country roads.
EFFECT: method enables to create a uniform snow cover in winter, provides a uniform physical ripening of soil in spring, creation of conditions for the formation of ecological corridors and zoocenoses, reduction of wastage of seedlings and seeds of trees.
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