FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: method of environmental monitoring and protection of oil and gas regions includes locating the emitting and receiving units of the measuring system on the opposite boundaries of the controlled medium, irradiation of its acoustic signals of stable frequency and forming the working area of the nonlinear interaction, and the parametric conversion luminal and measured information waves, reception nonlinearly transformed luminal wave conversion and amplification in a band of transfer time frequency scale to the high-frequency region and holding their narrowband spectral analysis and selection in the spectra of the parametric components of the sum and (or) the difference frequency and restore them, in view of temporal and parametric conversion measured initial characteristics of the measured information waves. Additionally, multifunctional environmental monitoring of the examined medium is carried out, as well as the protection of waters from violators and sabotage, this at the installation site of the radiating monitoring unit arranged located on the vessel carrier block multifunction measuring environmental characteristics of the medium "Akvazond", which is then moved into place detected environmental manifestations of clusters for which a controlled environment is irradiated with the acoustic signals near luminal stable frequency and Started th nonlinear interaction zone luminal information and waves are formed over the entire space surveyed waters for this lamp unit monitoring system placed at the center of the water area, and the receiver units - along the perimeter (or range) 45° with respect to the radiating center. Each receiving system block comprises three hydrophones are arranged in the corners of the horizontal (preferably isosceles) triangles, and their vertex is directed toward the lamp unit. The single hydrophones of each receiving unit are connected to radio-hydroacoustic buoys (RHB) located on the sea surface, receiving luminous signals from whose outputs through the communication channels through a multi-channel receiving radio unit, then through the switching unit of the receiving channels, they are connected to the multifunction receiving path of the monitoring system. The monitoring system includes a signal generator of close stable frequency, as well as a signal generator with frequency-time (or phase) modulation, a two-channel power amplifier of signals, a two-channel unit for matching the outputs of the power amplifier with submarine cables and further with radiating acoustic converters, and the receiving path Measuring system is formed as multi-channel and multifunctional, which includes one channel for spectral analysis and extraction of information signals of difference and (or) the total frequency, formed by nonlinear regions of moving violating objects, containing series-connected blocks: a band amplifier, a converter of the time scale of the signals into the high-frequency region, a narrow-band spectrum analyzer and a functionally connected registrar (recorder). There are also eight channels of correlation and cross-correlation analysis of the received signals in the receiving path of the measuring system. In each of the eight channels of correlation and cross-correlation analysis of signals, there are connected in series: band amplifiers, two parallel blocks for measuring correlation functions between the signals of the central and extreme hydrophones located at the vertices of the triangles, then the measurement units for the functions of mutual correlation of signals whose outputs are connected to the detection unit points of intersection of signals of mutually correlated functions (computers), as places of manifestation of oil and gas clusters or locations of an object violators, into which the block of the multifunctional environmental meter "Aquazond" is placed, and the measured signals are transmitted via the radio channel to the computer block. In addition, the controlled medium is irradiated with acoustic signals of a near stable frequency in the range of one kilohertz units. In addition, the controlled medium is additionally, at a given periodicity, voiced by complex signals with frequency-time or phase modulation in the frequency band of the unit - tens of kilohertz. Irradiation of the medium with signals of close frequency or complex signals is carried out according to a given program of monitoring and control of the water area in accordance with the situation in the water area and beyond its boundaries. In addition, monitoring and protecting the surveyed area depending on the task are carried out in the predetermined sector of the light signal receiving angles against the radiating center. In addition, the monitoring system includes an information and analysis center (IAC), which receives information from external sources of surveillance, including satellite navigation systems Glonass and Gonets communications, the ecological state of the surface of the surveyed water area, and the seismic and synoptic situation beyond.
EFFECT: developing the effective technologies for the detection of signs of the oil and gas accumulations in the environment and on its surface, conducting multifunctional ecological monitoring of the environment, and protecting the waters from the penetration of offenders, and notifying the likely entry of hazards into the surveyed area.
5 cl, 6 dwg, 1 tbl