FIELD: construction.
SUBSTANCE: method of ensuring the operational reliability of structures on expansive soil foundation by defining stress-and-strain state (SSS) of expansive soil and foundations (structures) in their interaction with known values of vertical stress distribution in the soil from the previous ones and the distribution of vertical stress of expansion similar to strains in soil from the foundation (structures), but having the reverse direction. Vertical stresses of soil expansion under the foundation (structure), at any point, are not equal to vertical stresses on the soil from the foundation (structure). Their quantitative values for the definition (SSS) of the expansive soil and foundation (structure) in their interaction are accepted on the basis of the permanence of the sum of the absolute values of stress in the soil from the foundation (structure) and expansive soil anywhere in the area of the foot underneath them, equal to two medium voltage values (pressure) in the soil from the foundation (structure) as defined by a given dependency. The formula makes it possible to determine the maximum permissible forces in the constructions of the structure and the value of the deformation of the foundation soil when it expands and shrinks.
EFFECT: ensuring the operational reliability of the structure of the normal level of responsibility with the minimum necessary requirements to the material intensity of structures and safe level of interaction of the structure with the environment by defining the quantitative value of the impact of vertical stress of foundation soil expansion on the structure across the whole area of the bearing foundation.
2 ex, 2 dwg