FIELD: engines and pumps.
SUBSTANCE: device comprises a movable lower panel (1) mounted in the body of the air intake having a panel (13) in the lower part. The panel can move to a relative extension length of the lower panel
equal from 0.6 to 0.3 in case of proportional change of relative altitude of air intake lower edge location from the aerodrome surface
from 0.8 to 1.25. The socket of the lower panel is configured for oscillating movement in transverse plane of the lower panel by angle αn=25°-30° with a period of oscillations T=1.0-4.0 s, where λ - extension length of the lower panel, m; H - height of location of lower edge of air intake from the aerodrome surface, m;
- equivalent diameter of the inlet to the air intake, m; A - height of the air intake, m; B - width of the air intake, m.
EFFECT: engine protection efficiency is improved.
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