FIELD: data processing.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of digital data processing. Technical result is achieved due to that computers are initially connected to each other by common network of data exchange, thus forming distributed system, then these computers are distributed into logical groups and carry out transactions from one group to another, processing them in groups independently from other groups, at the beginning of the process of generating a general management solution, each computer in its group, if there is at least one management transaction recorded in the group at that time, jointly decides the group to transfer all available managerial transactions approved in the group, pre-assigned to the general management decision of the lead group of that round, which, after receiving from other groups of the list of management transactions for processing excludes invalid transactions, compiles from all directed from groups of management transactions list which is a candidate for a legitimate list of management transactions of this round and approved by a given number of computers, and sends it for confirmation to all groups, then each group, having received said candidate list from the master group of that round, coordinates it with each computer included in that group, and sends the matching result back to the master group, once the master group receives responses from the groups with matching results and if the total number of computers matching the candidate list in these responses is a given number of computers in the system, then that candidate list becomes a legitimate list of managerial transactions of that round, and master group sends it together with collected acknowledgments on all computers.
EFFECT: shorter time between recording an intergroup transaction in a sending group and recording an inter-group transaction in a destination group while maintaining transaction security.
9 cl, 2 dwg