FIELD: microbiology. SUBSTANCE: preparation has a consortium of lactic acid bacterium N 3843 containing Lactobacillus lactis, L. salivarius var. salivarius, L. acidophilus, fresh whey, 1-4.2% carbamide, algae, chelates, trace elements Zn, Mg, Cu, Mn, B, Fe and Mo in the amount 0.2-2.3% and stabilizing agents: ascorbate, benzoate, propionate-Ca in the amount 0.01-0.25%. The use of preparation ensures to provide the complete protection of currant from powdery mildew, decrease wheat morbidity with powdery mildew and rust by 3-fold and potato - with phytophthora infection by 4-7-fold. Invention can be used in agriculture, phytopathology and plant growing. EFFECT: enhanced effectiveness of preparation. 5 cl, 3 tbl, 4 ex