FIELD: medicine, in particular, narcology. SUBSTANCE: patient is given time within which he smokes out definite quantity of tobacco articles reduced relative to initial quantity. Every day he takes solution of sodium bicarbonate. At the end of term unloading diet is prescribed. On the last day, patient smokes out the same quantity of tobacco articles with limited space of time and then stops smoking altogether. Then psychotherapeutic seance is performed under conditions comfortable for patient. In this case, patient is subjected to hypnosis and to antismoking psychotherapeutic action designed to remove psychic and physical symptoms of anstinency revealed with subsequent performance of symptomatic therapy on background of taking the antitobacco preparation by patient. Preparation includes, g: nicotinic acid, 0.05; Vinybis, 0.65; pryrroxan, 0.015; nootropyl, 0.4. The method and antitobacco preparation allow patient to get rid of narcotic addiction and guarantee long-time remission. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency of treatment. 10 cl