FIELD: food production industry. SUBSTANCE: method relates to brewing branch of food production industry. According to method, beer wort is made by mashing brewer's malt and non-malted materials in compliance with twice-boiling method with utilization of enzymes. After that, wort is filtered, boiled with hop, brightened, cooled, fermented, young beer is finally fermented, brightened and bottled. For preparation of primary wort with mass proportioning of dry substances, taken are following components: light brewers' barley malt, 68-70%; caramel malt, 15-17%; ground rice, 9-11%; raw sugar or granulated sugar, up to 5%. For boiling of wort with hop, taken are following components: pressed, ground, granulated or briquetted hop or hop extracts with proportion of bitter substances within 1.2-1.6 g/dal. Accumulation of wort in process of filtering is continued up to reaching density of 14-16%. Boiling of wort with hop is continued during 120-150 min. Hop is introduced in two stages. Wort is fermented at proportion of yeast application being equal to 0.7-1.0 l/gl until reaching mass proportion of dry substances equal to 4.2-4.8% in young beer. Final fermentation is carried out during at least 45 days. At boiling of wort with hop, 78-82% amount of hop is introduced 10-15 min after start of boiling, and remaining amount of hop is introduced 28-32 min after completion of boiling. Application of aforesaid method allows for producing beverage with slight flavor and aroma of fermented young malt drink together widening range of producing original grades of beer. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 1 cl