FIELD: medicine. SUBSTANCE: method involves measuring human bioenergy potentials in acupuncture points, collecting frequency reference values on nosological forms and potency values series, recording the obtained data and saving it on information carrier and producing in this way potentiated resonance preparation usable in living organism therapy. Frequency reference selection from a number of potency values series is carried out by varying initial potency of selected frequency reference value by using at least two modules of energy information transfer connected in series to one another, made so that coefficient of transfer is controllable and one of the modules is connected to frequency reference and the second one is connected to unit for recording and measuring bioenergy potentials. Potency values series taken from frequency reference set are varied by fitting values of scale readings by means of energy information frequency reference transfer modules potency regulator. EFFECT: accelerated process of living organism diagnosis making; enhanced effectiveness of treatment; high accuracy of diagnosis. 2 cl, 1 dwg, 7 tbl