FIELD: engine engineering, applicable for determination of actual power developed by the tank engine, and its residual life in the field conditions. SUBSTANCE: the device has a strip, engine tachometer provided with a transducer and indicator, storage batteries. The actuation contact is coupled to the actuation relay of the pulse counter connected to the storage batteries and made with two normally make contacts. The control circuit has series-connected three-phase rectifier, whose input is coupled to the output of the tachometer transducer, adjustable comparator, first amplifier disengagement relay of the pulse counter made with one normally break contact, and series-connected second amplifier and solenoid-operated valve kinematically linked with the disengagement contact of the pulse counter. The input of the second amplifier is connected to the output of the three-phase rectifier. EFFECT: enhanced accuracy of determination of actual power and residual life in the field conditions. 3 dwg