FIELD: psychiatry and addictology. SUBSTANCE: whole blood taken from finger is investigated on IR spectroanalyzer within wave number region from 3300 to 963 cm-1. Output information is amplitude of IR absorption (in % of conventional units) in any of specified spectrum ranges. For each alcoholism stage corresponding IR parameters are assigned: norm 11.58 +/- 6.19%; ordinary drunkenness 27.12 +/- 3.42 in the range 1468-1302 cm-1 (in combination with data: 9.3 +/- 2.2% in the range 3500-1302 cm-1 and 21.1 +/- 2.4% in the range 3085-2732 cm-1); chronic alcoholism beyond abstinence 38.22 +/- 6.55% in the range 1468-1302 cm-1 (41 +/- 3.8% in the range 1193- 1057 cm-1); chronic alcoholism complicated by abstinent syndrome 84.25 +/- 14.01; and for alcoholic delirium patients 63.39 +/- 5% in the range 1468- 1302 cm-1. Absorption amplitude 98.27% and higher in the range 1468-1302 cm-1 is indicative of passing from abstinent syndrome to predelirium state. EFFECT: increased diagnostics accuracy. 1 dwg, 2 tbl