FIELD: applicable in repair-recovery work at a loss of leak-proofness of lines filled with heat-transfer agent, both in ground conditions and by the crew of space vehicles. SUBSTANCE: method consists in application of fluid sealant on a non-sealed section of the line and its subsequent solidification; after application of sealant the line of the temperature-control system is vacuumized to pressure Pv selected from relation Pcomp>Pv>Pminallowable, where Pcomp is pressure in space vehicle compartment, Pmin is allowable minimum allowable pressure in the temperature-control system, after which sealant solidification is carried out at a temperature equal to the average operating temperature of the heat-transfer agent in the given line of the temperature-control system. EFFECT: quick and reliable sealing of the line damaged section both with a simple surface, for example, pipeline, and with a configurated surface such as corrugations of heat exchangers.