FIELD: geophysics, magnetic orientation. SUBSTANCE: technique is intended for magnetic orientation of spacecraft, for high-precision real-time determination of magnetic components of variable magnetic field in range of extremely low frequencies. Current value of vector B of induction of magnetic field in the vicinity of spacecraft is found in advance in chosen system of coordinates. Position of single vector n normal with regard to plane P formed by geometrical axes n1г, n2г of two electron injectors crossing at specified angle Φ. Angle β included between above-mentioned vector B and normal n is found and two pulse electron beams are injected if condition β ≅ β0 or 180°-β ≅ β0 are fulfilled, where β0 - is specified angle determined by parameters of system. From this time moment scanning by each beam is conducted in planes passing through vector n and through axes n1г and n2г correspondingly. Directions of injection n1, n2 at which maximal of intensity of electrons on both detectors are achieved are recorded. Obtained values of vectors n1, n2 are used to determined vector N from expression . In this case direction of vector
coincides with direction of vector
if β ≅ β0 and with direction of vector
if 180°-β ≅ β0. Gear for realization of technique has magnetometric transducer, two electron injectors, two electron detectors, two systems scanning electron beams, two analyzers of maximal of intensity of detected electron beams, two systems controlling injected electron beams, unit forming instructions to switch on and off electron systems, storage unit setting directions of vectors
and normal
to plane P in which geometric axes of electron injectors and detectors, unit determining angle β contained by vectors
, storage unit of angle β0, unit controlling operation of units and systems, comparator of angles β and β0, unit for information processing, analysis and output of data on direction of vector
. EFFECT: increased precision of determination of vector of induction of magnetic field in ionosphere of the Earth. 2 cl, 1 dwg