FIELD: technological processes.
SUBSTANCE: inventions are related to the area of spacecraft (SC) control. According to the suggested method, SC is stabilized and Earth's atmosphere is probed in the moments of the Sun setting behind the Earth horizon visible from the SC. At that SC is rotated by axis of its minimum moment of inertia perpendicularly to the orbit plane. Height of SC orbit is measured and probing instrument (PI) viewing axis is set to the side that corresponds to the highest electric power collection from the SC sun batteries, for a certain angular distance from the axis of SC minimum moment of inertia. The angle is measured between direction to the Sun and SC orbit plane, and this angle is compared to the angle between the direction to the lower border of investigated atmosphere layer and direction to the Earth's centre. In case they coincide and if the angle between axis of SC minimum moment of inertia and perpendicular to orbit plane is minimum, SC is turned until PI viewing axis is aligned with direction to the Sun. Angle of the Sun elevation above specified visible horizon is measured and this angle is compared to the angle value of elevation above the upper border horizon of the Earth's atmosphere investigated layer. In the period, when the angle of the Sun elevation is less or equal to the value compared to it, the Earth's atmosphere probing is being done. The suggested control system includes necessary units and connections between them for performance of above mentioned operations. And it also has incorporated measurement units for above mentioned angles measurement and estimation of atmosphere probing moments and development of according orientation of SC.
EFFECT: improves collection of information on the Earth's atmosphere probing with minimum power inputs on board of spacecraft.
2 cl, 7 dwg