FIELD: agriculture, in particular, apiculture. SUBSTANCE: method involves placing in hive casing equipped with detachable cover bees with queens, frames with brood, honey collecting combs honey and bee bread combs so as to form two main families; placing above mentioned in larger part of hive and placing at least two auxiliary families in smaller part of hive; before yielding honey, evaluating main families capacities; leaving best queen and removing detachable partition; leaving in nest part of main bee family only frames with sealed brood and adding frames with sealed brood of auxiliary families; simultaneously supplying auxiliary families with deficient frames of unsealed brood and honey and bee bread frames withdrawn from main bee family; removing detachable covers arranged above sections to provide for passage of honey bees from main and auxiliary families into detachable honey collecting extension arranged under hive cover; removing frames with sealed brood from nest part of main bee family during honey yield intervals; filling nest part of main bee family with unsealed brood frames withdrawn from auxiliary families; supplementing frame deficiency in auxiliary families with sealed brood frames from main bee family and positioning detachable covers above family sections. During honey yield intervals, 2-4 auxiliary families and 2 main families are separately kept in single hive and during honey yield period only 1 multi-queen family is kept in hive. EFFECT: increased efficiency in utilizing egg laying capacity of several queens and, accordingly, increased productivity of bee family. 3 cl, 3 dwg