FIELD: mechanical engineering; four-stroke internal combustion engines.
SUBSTANCE: proposed gasoline internal combustion engine with higher compression ratio than that of production engine delivered by manufacturer and with the same piston stroke-to-cylinder bore ratio has at least one cylinder, piston, cylinder head, combustion chamber formed by surfaces of head and piston crown, and air flow rate regulator. Combustion chamber volume in higher compression ratio engine is smaller than that of production engine. Air flow rate regulator for engine with higher compression ratio is made for limiting air filling depending on combustion chamber volume, thus providing maximum air flow rate at nominal power found from equation Gnp=GnEiKc/Kr where Gn is air flow rate at nominal power for production engine; Kc is air flow rate correction coefficient; Kr is ratio of combustion chamber volume of production engine to combustion chamber volume of engine with higher compression ratio; Ei is working medium density increment coefficient found as ratio Em/E where Em is maximum compression ratio recommended for engine of said type, E is compression ratio of production engine.
EFFECT: increased efficiency of engine, reduced fuel consumption.
11 cl, 1 dwg