FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves applying silver needle treatment 60 min long. The treatment is applied to corporeal biologically active points of general strengthening and local segmental action and to auricular points corresponding to female small pelvis organs. The first and the second, the third and the fourth antitumor scalp zones are additionally acted. The first antitumor scalp zone is 1-3 cm long. It is located 1.5 cun upward from Bai Hui T(XII)20 point on sagittal straight line. The second antitumor scalp zone is 1-2 cm long. It is located 2 cun downward from Bai Hui T(XII)20 point on sagittal straight line. The third and the fourth antitumor scalp zones are two semicircumferences of 1-3 cm large radius in ventral and dorsal direction with the center in Bai Hui T(XII)20 point, respectively. The total treatment course is 10-12 procedures long. The course is repeated in 12-15 days.
EFFECT: improved life quality.
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