FIELD: medical diagnostic information-measurement technology.
SUBSTANCE: according to the method, one measuring electrode is applied onto acupuncture point and two indifferent electrodes are applied outside the point. Indifferent electrode is selected which potential has bigger module value than measuring electrode. Permanent calibrated and variable resistors are connected in series between measuring and selected first indifferent electrodes. Resistance of variable resistor is changed in a manner to provide equality of module of voltage drop at permanent calibrated resistor to preset permanent voltage value. Potential difference is measured between measuring and second indifferent electrodes. Electric-skin resistance is calculated on the base of results of measurement. According to the first version, device has measuring and two indifferent electrodes, two commutators, electronic switch, controlled and calibrated resistors, three amplifiers, three memory units, flip-flop, three units for selecting voltage modules, controlled and calibrated resistors, amplifier, four memory units, three flip-flops, unit for selecting module of voltage, two comparators, reference voltage source, subtraction unit and two registrars. According to the second version, device has measuring and two indifferent electrodes, five commutators, electronic switch, two comparators, reference voltage source, multivibrator and two registrars.
EFFECT: improved precision of measurement.
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