FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: method involves applying measuring electrode to an acupuncture point and one or two indifferent electrodes away from the point, creating measuring current from power supply source in electric series circuit composed of two calibrated resisters of known resistance and skin area between measuring and indifferent electrode, determining voltage drop from measuring current on electric circuit segment having the first calibrated resister and electric skin resistance of acupuncture point and calculating electric skin resistance from measurement results. The first embodiment has measuring and two indifferent electrodes, two calibrated resisters, three amplifiers, switchboard, subtracting unit, divider unit, reference voltage source and recorder. The second embodiment has measuring and two indifferent electrodes, two calibrated resisters, two amplifiers, switchboard, subtracting unit, divider unit, voltage divider, reference voltage source and recorder.
EFFECT: high accuracy of measurements and reliability of skin resistance parameters.
12 cl, 3 dwg, 2 tbl