FIELD: the invention refers to electrical measuring technique and electrical safety of electrified transport.
SUBSTANCE: the mode is based on shunting of resistance of insulation between the body and the current guiding bus with negative potential by turns of the first and the second resistance of known value and measuring of voltage between each current guiding bus and the body without shunting of the resistance, definition of voltage drop in the circuit from a substation to the current receiver of a trolleybus. Besides resistance of insulation of buses with positive and negative potentials, transit resistance between the body of the trolley-bus and the ground, potential of the body relatively to the ground and possible current leakage in case of touching of a man to the body of the trolley-bus. After that the received values are compared with permissible.
EFFECT: expansion of functional possibilities of control of resistance of insulation, increasing accuracy of estimation of potential danger of injury with electrical current in case of touching to the body of the trolleybus and increasing reliability of protection of passengers.
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