FIELD: methods of control of spacecraft angular motion.
SUBSTANCE: proposed method includes measurement of spacecraft orientation parameters at flight time interval, forming control moment by means of reactive flywheels, measuring the present vectors of main and additional reactive flywheels and determination of vector of total moment of momentum of spacecraft. Belonging of
to area S of its magnitudes is checked as well. Area S consists of sub-areas of main (S0) and additional (Sd) of reactive flywheels. Otherwise "n" versions of change of signs of angular velocities of main and additional reactive flywheels are checked, re-distributing the moment of momentum among reactive flywheels and orientation parameters are checked for presence within permissible limits. If this condition is observed, control of spacecraft is continued and if this condition is not observed, respective versions are noted re-distributing moment of momentum among main and additional reactive flywheels. Relief of main flywheels, setting of directions and modes (acceleration or deceleration) of rotation of main and additional reactive flywheels and conditions of connecting them are carried out on basis of check of indicated versions of change of reactive flywheel angular velocities and belonging of moment of momentum of main and additional reactive flywheels to respective sub-areas S0 and Sd. Upon completion of flight interval, moment of momentum accumulated in additional reactive flywheels is zeroed by re-distributing it on main reactive flywheels; their moments of momentum shall belong to sub-area S0. If they do not belong to this area, main reactive flywheels are subjected to relief. Such control is repeated for subsequent maintenance of spacecraft orientation at next time interval.
EFFECT: enhanced accuracy of maintenance of preset spacecraft orientation by exclusion of relay change of control moments from reactive flywheels.
8 dwg, 1 tbl