FIELD: control systems; relief and compensation of disturbances acting on three-axis stabilization spacecraft. SUBSTANCE: method consists in determination of angular velocity of spacecraft and its kinetic moments: in powered gyroscope system and total moment
The following data are found according to measured direction to Sun
: time of application of control moment
of light pressure forces to spacecraft which is formed through turning the solar battery. Selection is made on the condition of contrast of signs of projections
on axis preset by vector
where ωo is unit vector of orbital angular velocity and
is average rate of change of vector
according to magnitudes measured before. At initial and subsequent moments of time of forming
, projections G1 and Mcont1 of vectors
on said axis
and on axis directed along projection of vector
on plane of orbit G2 and Mcont2 are determined. Angles of turn and correction of turn are found from comparison of present magnitude (G1) and threshold magnitude (Gcr) of respective projections at unlike signs of projections G2 and Mcont2. Discreteness of these angles and periodicity ((Δt)) of determination of required moment
and preset minimum magnitude of relief during time Δt are taken into account. On-board system used for realization of proposed method includes functional units and their couplings. Proposed system ensures relief and continuous compensation of disturbing moment on spacecraft at any number of gyroscopes and effective use of solar batteries for forming control moments from light pressure forces. EFFECT: saving of working medium; increased service life of engine plants. 3 cl, 7 dwg