FIELD: medicine, ophthalmology.
SUBSTANCE: one should affect brightness, space-frequency and contrast canals of visual information processing at applying a helmet with stereo-head-phones to create virtual reality. Then one should conduct light stimulation of central fossa of yellow spot to present bright figures at dark background by decreasing their size gradually. In case of functional scotoma or instable coincidence it is necessary to prescribe exercises on presenting bright figures on dark background in the mode of simultaneous or alternating blinking, starting from larger objects. All exercises should be carried out monocularly at occlusion of an eye with better vision, and in case of bilateral amblyopia - without occlusion. The innovation provides efficient removal of disbinocular, refraction and anisometropic amblyopia, reconstruction of correct monocular spatial localization, development of fusion reserves and improved acuity.
EFFECT: higher efficiency of therapy.
2 cl, 1 dwg, 1 ex, 1 tbl