FIELD: food industry.
SUBSTANCE: the present innovation deals with the technology for manufacturing meat-vegetable canned food. It is necessary to prepare all the recipe components, wheat bread should be soaked in milk and cut then, the prepared meat should be cut followed by mixing the above-mentioned components with common salt and hot black pepper to obtain cutlet mass, onions should be chopped, fried in grease and partially grated. One should boil, peel and cut hens' eggs, cut parsley greens and mix ungrated part of onions, hens' eggs and parsley greens to obtain the stuffing to form it into cutlet mass to be breaded in wheat dry bread and fried in grease to obtain zrazy. New white cabbage should be chopped and frozen, carrots and parsley root should be chopped, fried in grease and grated, prepared wheat flour should be fried. Then one should mix carrots, parsley root, grated part of onions, wheat flour, bone broth, tomato paste, sugar, common salt, hot black pepper and laurel leaf to obtain the sauce. Zrazy, cabbage and sauce should be packed at the preset ratio of components, sealed and sterilized to obtain the target product. The innovation enables to manufacture new canned food being of higher digestibility.
EFFECT: higher efficiency.