FIELD: automatics of electric networks, possible use for restoring power to consumers of reserved line section according to original circuit.
SUBSTANCE: in the method for restoring power to consumers, restoration of nominal voltage is controlled on the side of main power supply of reserved section, its restoration is fixed. At reserved section on the side of sectioning switch through additional resistance an artificial grounding is created with given duration, appearance of zero series voltage is controlled at reserved section on the side of switch of automatic reserve engagement station. On its appearance, counting of time equal to given time of artificially created grounding is started. If in the moment of end of time count the voltage of zero series disappears on reserved line section, then a conclusion is drawn that grounding is artificial. Switch of automatic reserve engagement station, through which consumers of reserved section are powered according to reserved power circuit, is disabled. Disappearance of all linear voltages on reserved section on the side of sectioning switch is controlled. On disappearance of linear voltages a conclusion is drawn, that switch of automatic reserve engagement station is disabled and sectioning switch is enabled to restore power to consumers of reserved section according to original circuit.
EFFECT: expanded area of application and functional capabilities of the method, ensured restoration of power to consumers of reserved line section according to original circuit.
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