FIELD: lock-up equipment.
SUBSTANCE: gas cock intends for adjustment of gas flow in gas kitchen ovens and heaters. Gas-supply cock 1 has case 2. At least one input gas channel 3 and at least one output gas channel 5 are made in case 1. Cone for adjustment of gas flow, depending on it angular position, is placed in case 1 to adjust from mention input gas channel to output one to provide different gal flow discharge and different points of gas output. Cone is made for turn between initial position, at which position the passage of gas into mentioned output channel is prevented, and end position, at which position mentioned gas goes to mentioned output channel at total discharge of gas flow. Cock has aids 7, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b for prevention of stable positioning of mentioned rotary cone corresponding to oat least one preliminary specified angular interval, standing apart from initial and end positions. Version of manufacture of gas cock is provided. Method of adjustment of turn of cock's cone is also described.
EFFECT: regular distribution of gas during usage of gas cock.
25 cl, 11 dwg