FIELD: physics, measurement.
SUBSTANCE: method involves placement of examined material in high frequency electromagnetic field and further registration of changing parametres characterising high frequency emission. Expectation function, dispersion and average standard deviation of linear field damping factor by the set of measured linear field damping factors for each discrete surface point, average standard deviation of field damping factor for all scanned surface points is defined and compared to limit deviation values of linear field damping factor. Fractal dimension and surface 'non-reflection' factor are defined. Combined transceiver antenna is mounted in the centre of scanned area, and UHF generator is adjusted at given wavelength. Actual and virtual parts of complex inductive capacity of surface layer are defined by the minimum reflected power and UHF generator wavelength corresponding to that minimum, and surface layer moisture is determined.
EFFECT: enhanced sensitivity and accuracy of measurement.
2 cl; 1 dwg