FIELD: food production process.
SUBSTANCE: proposed preserve preparation method envisages part of the chicken eggs formulated being boiled, peeled and chopped and onions being cut and sautéed in melted butter. Garlic is blanched and strained. The above-mentioned ingredients are mixed with part of the wheat crumbs formulated, culinary salt and hot black pepper for a homogenous stuffing formation. Skinned-off haddock fillet and pork fat are minced and mixed with the remaining chicken eggs and culinary salt to produce a farce. The farce is moulded to produce sichenik cutlets (the stuffing folded in). The cutlets are steeped in liaison, breaded in the wheat crumbs remaining and fried in melted butter. Potatoes are sliced and fried in melted butter. Kohlrabies and red cabbages are cut and frozen. Fresh green peas are frozen. The potatoes, kohlrabies, red cabbages, green peas, sugar, culinary salt and calcium acetate are mixed under oxygen-free conditions to produce the garnish. The sichenik cutlets, garnish and melted butter are packaged, vacuum-sealed and sterilised.
EFFECT: diversification of available food products; improved digestibility of preserve meals as compared to similar foods.