FIELD: weapons and ammunition.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to ammunition. Proposed method uses ogival body comprising head part, hollow casing and tail part. Aforesaid casing accommodates preliminary compression chamber and Laval nozzle with its confuser housing the blades. Aforesaid head part has a reversed cone with its height approximates the start of Laval nozzle critical section, and is connected to hollow casing via thin webs representing blades arranged along the radius and resting upon reversed cone side surface to form circular gap between head part and hollow casing. Blades arranged inside confuser are coupled with it side walls and reversed cone side surface at its apex. Note that tail part is furnished with a pan and represents a ogival shape with holes made along its diametre to eject outside air into diffuser rarefaction zone. Aforesaid holes and diffuser outlet are closed by aforesaid pan.
EFFECT: increased speed and range of fire.
3 cl, 2 dwg