FIELD: technological processes.
SUBSTANCE: invention is intended to improve efficiency of hot rolled strips production in continuous broad-strip mills. Method includes hot rolling of strips in continuous broad-strip mill of hot rolling equipped with intermediate roller bed, length of which makes it possible to arranged several fullers on it, at that at least two fullers of maximum length. In intermediate roller bed fullers are screened with usage of heat preserving installation. Slabs are supplied in groups of at least two pieces, at the same time slabs from supplied group arrive into finishing group with a time interval in between, which equals at least to duration of time for closure of access of next strip from group into reeler. Interval is created prior to fuller entry into the first finishing mill, and if required, it is increased due to acceleration of strip after its back end exits the last finishing mill. Marked time interval is also created as group of slabs is sent to preliminary group of mills. Method also provides for supply of slabs group into preliminary group of mill stands closely to each other.
EFFECT: increased volume of production, reduced consumption of fuel for heating, consumption of electric energy, increased quality of strips due to stabilisation of rolling modes.
7 cl, 10 dwg, 4 ex