FIELD: medicine.
SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to cardiology and angiologia, and can be used for optimising vascular wall activity in patients with degree I-II arterial hypertension (AH) associating metabolic syndrome (MS) suffered eye vessel thrombosis. That is ensured by introduction of the preparations pioglitazone and amlodipine with underlying an individually prescribed hypocaloric diet and graduated physical exercises. The hypocaloric diet is calculated in kcal by formula: for women of 18-30 years old - (0.0621 × body weight, kg + 2.0357) × 240, of 31-60 years old - (0.342 × body weight, kg + 3.5377) × 240, over 60 years old - (0.0377 × body weight, kg + 2.7545) × 240, for men of 18-30 years old - (0.0630 × body weight, kg + 2.8957) × 240, of 31-60 years old - (0.0484 × body weight, kg + 3.6534) × 240; over 60 years old - (0.0491 × body weight, kg + 2.4587) × 240. The graduated physical exercises represent morning hygienic gymnastics, therapeutic exercises and graduated physical exercises throughout a day. The preparations pioglitazone 30 mg and amlodipine 10 mg are introduced once a day in the same time. The therapy is performed for 4 months.
EFFECT: method provides correction of reduced vascular wall function in the patients with degree I-II AH associating MS suffered eye vessel thrombosis for 4 months and allows avoiding vascular complications in such patients.
1 dwg, 1 tbl, 2 ex