FIELD: construction.
SUBSTANCE: method to restore a pipeline includes pipeline cleaning from deposits, development of a chemical coating on the cleaned surface. At the same time pipeline cleaning from deposits and formation of a chemical coating are carried out simultaneously by a reciprocal movement of sleeves in the pipeline, an aqueous solution of chemicals (polyphosphates), a pipe-cleaning mechanism and gas. At the same time at each movement gas and aqueous solution are sent via the pipeline cleaning mechanism in the form of jets that are formed along the periphery of the pipe-cleaning device. Device to realise the method is made of two chambers installed at the pipeline ends. In the chamber there are driving reverse drums, onto which a flexible link is wound, being connected to the end of a sleeve by means of slings fixed along the perimetre of the open sleeve end. The second end of the sleeve is fixed along the chamber perimetre. The chamber cavity is communicated with a system of gas supply. The pipeline cavity upstream each unscrewed sleeve is communicated with a system of liquid (aqueous chemical solution) supply and a system of coating solution supply. Between the sleeves in the pipeline there is a pipeline cleaning mechanism made of hubs, where elastic tabs are fixed in a staggered order.
EFFECT: using the invention significantly speeds up the time of pipeline restoration and also simplifies technology and cost of pipelines restoration.
4 cl, 9 dwg