FIELD: information technology.
SUBSTANCE: in the method, the transmitting side and the receiving side separate each other in order to facilitate "one-on-one" communication only between said transmitting device and said receiving side; the transmitting side and the receiving side send to each other the transmitting and the receiving device. To this end, one of the sides performs the following actions: approaches the other side, aligns said transmitting or receiving device relative the other said device; determines the time of response of the transmitting and receiving devices and activates said transmitting or receiving device; a unique electronic label is sent via wireless communication only between the transmitting and receiving devices in response to said action between the transmitting and receiving sides based on mutual separation from each other; the label is locally downloaded into the receiving device and said label which is downloaded into the receiving device is used to obtain access to information in one or more data bases.
EFFECT: more convenience for users owing to easier registration and collection of business and social contacts.
33 cl, 3 dwg