FIELD: oil and gas industry.
SUBSTANCE: recovering method of the working condition of gas-oil production well involves three stages. At the first stage, geophysical measurements of the well parameters are performed, as per which the profile of influx of the investigated section of the well is determined and non-working intervals are identified. At the second stage, flushing of technogenic fluids of the well sections with non-working intervals is performed. At the third stage, check measurements of the well geophysical parameters are performed so that quantitative and qualitative yield characteristics of non-working intervals are determined. Technological complex used for the method's implementation includes two units with a flexible tubing string, one of which includes a geophysical cable for connection and transportation to the well of a geophysical instrument, and the second unit with the flexible tubing string serves for flushing of bottom-hole part of the well. The second unit with the flexible tubing string has the possibility of being connected to the hydraulic diagram of the first unit with the flexible tubing string and to the well flushing equipment.
EFFECT: increasing the yield of the well in operation owing to connecting non-working sections of horizontal or inclined shaft of the well.
20 cl, 12 dwg