FIELD: radio engineering, communication.
SUBSTANCE: in demodulation mode, a high-frequency signal is converted to an amplitude-frequency-modulated signal by feeding the high-frequency signal to the left slope of the amplitude-frequency curve of the frequency modulation and demodulation device; a two-electrode nonlinear element is used to decompose the spectrum of amplitude-frequency-modulated signal into high-frequency and low-frequency components; a low-pass filter is used to isolate the low-frequency component; a separating capacitor is used to eliminate the constant component; a low-frequency information signal is transmitted to a low-frequency load; in modulation mode, the two-electrode nonlinear element is connected to a low-frequency information signal source; frequency of the high-frequency signal is varied with variation of the amplitude of the low-frequency information signal, wherein a high-frequency load is connected before the low-pass filter in a transverse circuit, and the two-electrode nonlinear element is connected between a four-terminal device and the high-frequency load connected in a transverse circuit.
EFFECT: high noise-immunity of the receiver.
2 cl, 4 dwg