FIELD: food industry.
SUBSTANCE: one describes a method for production of preserved product "Chopped rabbit cutlets with garnish and white sauce with vegetables" envisaging preparation of recipe components, wheat bread soaking in milk and chopping, rabbit meat and raw tallow chopping, the listed components mixing with part of salt and part of black hot pepper to produce mince, its moulding, mealing in wheat crumbs and frying in melted butter to produce cutlets, cutting, sauteing in melted butter and straining carrots, white vegetables and bulb onions, rutabaga cutting and blanching, French beans and greens cutting and freezing, fresh green peas, mixing carrots, white vegetables, bulb onions, rutabaga, green peas, French beans and greens with flour, the remaining salt, citric acid, the remaining black hot pepper and laurel leaf, the cutlets, obtained mixture and bone broth, sealing and sterilisation, remarkable follows: uses ground pumpkin seeds extraction cake, before mixing, with bone broth and maintained for swelling while the components are used at the following expenditure ratio, weight parts: rabbit 411.1-440.5, raw tallow 11.1, melted butter 21.1, carrots 9.8-10, white vegetables 9.9-10, bulb onions 10.7-10.9; rutabaga 5.2, green peas 454.2; French beans 4.6, greens -17.4, wheat bread 75, wheat crumbs - 27.8, pumpkin seeds extraction cake 26.9, milk 108.3, salt - 12, citric acid 0.07, black hot pepper 0.15, laurel leaf 0.08, bone broth till the target product 1000.
EFFECT: reduction of manufactured target product adhesion to container walls.