FIELD: oil and gas industry.
SUBSTANCE: invention group refers to method of carbon dioxide-containing natural gas treatment. Treatment method involves natural gas separation by cryogenic process and can produce liquid carbon dioxide flow at one side and purified natural gas flow at another side. One part of natural gas is cooled in a first heat exchanger and then in a second heat exchanger before the cryogenic process and/or before return to the cryogenic process. One part of liquid carbon dioxide is returned to obtain recycled carbon dioxide flow. Recycled carbon dioxide flow is divided into the first and second portion. First portion is expanded, then heated in the first heat exchanger to obtain first flow of heated carbon dioxide. Second portion is cooled, then at least one part of the second portion is expanded and heated in the second heat exchanger to obtain second flow of heated carbon dioxide. Some hydrocarbons contained in the first and second flows of heated carbon dioxide are separated by gas and liquid separation. Invention claims installation for implementation of the method as well.
EFFECT: reduced hydrocarbon loss during cryogenic separation.
11 cl, 2 tbl, 1 dwg