FIELD: information technology.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to means of protection from unauthorised access to information. System for session control access to created files comprises a resolver, an automatic file tagging unit for storing file access rules, a unit for selecting session users file attribute storage unit, wherein first input of resolver is connected to first input of system with automatic file tagging unit first input with its second input is connected to third input of system, first output is connected to first input of a file attribute storage unit, output of which is connected to third input of automatic marking files, second output of which is connected with second input of file attribute storage, third output of automatic file tagging is connected to first input of storage file access rules, its second input to second input of system, third input is connected to first output of resolver, its second input to output of storage file access rules second output of resolver is connected to output of system, input/output of session selection by users is connected to input/output of system, input to fourth input of system, output to third input of resolver, to fourth input of automatic file tagging.
EFFECT: technical result consists in providing session access control to files.
1 cl, 2 dwg, 1 tbl