FIELD: construction.
SUBSTANCE: invention relates to construction materials industry, particularly to making concrete wall panels or blocks. Wall panel comprises interconnected bearing layer on the basis of light concrete and heat-insulating layer of porous material. Connection of layers is made in the form of a plastic plate dowels with cutouts at their ends provided with transverse armature rods of composite material. Each rod is arranged approximately in the middle part of dowel section. Head of each dowel is located on the outer side of heat-insulating layer. Transverse armature rod extends beyond dowel body on both sides at approximately 4÷5 of its diameter perpendicular to dowel axis and is located inside the bearing layer at the distance of 1/4÷2/3 of its thickness from upper surface of heat-insulating layer. Crude mixture for making the base layer of wall panel contains following components, wt%: hemihydrate gypsum 62-72, portland cement 18-25, pulp and paper industry waste (scope) (in terms of dry substance) 0.5-12, technical lignosulfonates (in terms of dry substance) 0.15-1.5, soda ash 0.05-0.2, quartz sand - the rest up to 100 %, with water - cement ratio of 2.7-3.5. Method of wall panel making includes laying and attachment of heat-insulating and bearing layers. First, on the horizontal surface of the shape heat-insulating material is placed stitched with plastic dowels with cutouts at their ends. Dowels are installed in the direction to the upper side with end of dowel output by value equal to approximately 3/4 of thickness of bearing layer, in an amount of no less than 5 PCs per 1.0 m2 of horizontal area of heat-insulating layer. Then approximately in the middle of each dowel section armature rod of composite material is inserted perpendicular to its axis, and raw material mixture is poured upon heat-insulating material.
EFFECT: technical result consists in speeding of process of wall panel production, increasing reliability of its heat-insulating and bearing layers and reducing power consumption during production.
3 cl, 1 dwg