FIELD: physics.
SUBSTANCE: method 1 for determining the physical parameters of the material medium strength by the flat rigid stamp is establishing patterns in the laboratory shift, such as unbroken soil and peat at the angle compression conditions of the internal friction and specific medium cohesion A=Astr by plotting Mohr-Coulomb
of the limited medium state under pressure pi, where τi - is the medium shear tension under the compressing pressure pi, determining the calculated specific medium weight of the unbroken and broken structure
, its calculated angle of the internal friction with the broken structure
, the calculated domestic pressure
at the depth h, determining the adjusted value of: 1) the specific adhesion of the immersed medium
, the gravity pressure
, the specific weight
, rb>0 and the absence of the atmosphere pressure; 2) the specific medium adhesion
with the specified values
- at
, rb=0 and the access of the atmosphere pressure Patm=1.033 (kg/cm2); 3) the specific medium adhesion
, and updating the values of the specific medium weight
and updating the value of the specific medium weight
and the gravity pressure
rb<0 and the access of the atmosphere pressure Patm=1.033 (kg/cm2). The method 2 for determining the physical parameters of the material medium strength by the spherical stamp, involves loading the dry medium with force F of the diameter D with measuring the current slump St until its stabilization time t, unloading the sphere, determining its contact slump So and regarding the test results - a continuous adhesion Acon, the sphere is immersed in the medium, at least, three times through the torque resilient element to the predetermined depth St1<St2<Stk, the value of which is maintained constant in the stabilization time t of the corresponding efforts P1, P2, Pk, then the sphere is unloaded by measuring the stamp diameter with the diameter dk. Next, the sphere slump
is calculated at the pressures pmed=Pk/[πSo(D-So)], the chart S=(St-So)=ƒ(pmed) and the tangent lines to the chart points are plotted corresponding to the efforts P1, P2, Pk till the intersection with the x-axis; the Mohr circles are built and the tangent straight line (maxτstr.)=pmed.⋅tgθ+Ce is led to the intersection with the x- and y-axes with the radius equal to the difference values of the pmed and their corresponding intersection values of the tangent with the x-axis limit angle θ of the internal soil friction is removed from the chart (maxτstr)=ƒ(pmed) and the instantaneous equivalent clutch Ce is measured, the angle of the internal medium friction in the structured condition
and specific cohesion
are calculated, a semicircle is conducted with the radius Ro from the chart coordinate beginning (max τstr)=ƒ(pmed), contacting it and shutting off a point at the x-axis corresponding to the limit tensile stress σp=2Ro=2Ce⋅cosθ/(1+sinθ), the value of which corresponds to the long cohesion
. Further, the increasing force Pc>Pk is applied through the sphere to the medium till the stabilization of its limit value Pm=const at registering its corresponding Sm medium slump , in which the sector angle of the sphere semicontact with the medium is
, where
, and the long cohesion value is defined to the frozen medium - like
, for the normal soil medium - like
, for the peat medium - like:
at cohesion
, and the angle of the medium internal friction is clarified like
. The value of the atmosphere pressure
is taken for the instant equivalent medium cohesion of soil and peat at the limit angle of the internal medium friction
, where
- the angle of the internal medium friction with the broken structure, the specific cohesion of the structured medium of peat and soil is defined like
and the value of the long cohesion - by the expression
, the structural cohesion is defined like
for the frozen and normal medium of soil and peat, and the equivalent adhesion like
EFFECT: increasing the degree of reliability and accuracy of determining the physical parameters of the material.
4 cl, 6 dwg